December, 2004

Since the last issue your editor attended the QCWA National Convention - 2004 in Ottawa on October 15 - 17. There were approximately 185 registered with 131 taking in the Saturday evening banquet. Chapter 70 hosted this event with a real class act! I enjoyed all features of the convention - especially having the opportunity to once again chat with some of my old friends and new found ones.

After the convention I attended the Calgary and area fleamarket the following weekend on October 23. There were approximately 255 in attendance with very little in the way of fleas this time around. QCWA Wild Rose Chapter 151 had a table and banner set up. No new memberships were taken however I did hand out material and fielded a few inquiries. As they say - nothing ventured nothing gained!


We had a good attendance at our Annual General Meeting. The weather was perfect and the meal was excellent! We celebrated the Chapter's 20th anniversary with a ceremonial cake cutting affair. QCWA Life Member and past president Les Card, VE6CA did the honours.

(Photo Courtesy Al McNeil VA7QQ)
Past President and Life Member - Les Card, VE6CA

(Photo Courtesy Linda-Lou Oelke, VE6LGO)
Wild Rose Chapter 151 - 20th Anniversary Cake

Everyone enjoyed the video of the Rodrigues Island Dxpedition. Personally, my eyes were sure opened to the beauty of both the people and this island.

Stay tuned for our next meeting to be held on April 23, 2005. We are planning to have a very unique program that will be exciting for everyone, including spouses.


The inaugural meeting of the proposed planning committee, for QCWA National Convention-2006, was held at Devry Institute on October 7, 2004. Acting Chair, Chapter 151 President Ken Oelke, VE6AFO, handed everyone in attendance an agenda. The first order of business was to form a Convention - 2006 Planning Committee. After much discussion, on a motion the following positions were adopted. All positions were filled with the exception of the Vice Chair. Anyone wishing to take on this position please contact Ken Oelke, VE6AFO.

Chair - Ken Oelke - VE6AFO
Vice Chair - vacant
Secretary - Anne Garnett - VE6MWA
Treasurer - Jack Ambler - VE6CAQ
Facilities - Linda-Lou Oelke - VE6LGO
Registration - Nick Janzen - VE6OBS
Publicity/Door Prizes - Bill Metcalfe - VE6BF
Programs - Ralph Garnett - VE6REG
Tours - John Bley - VE6MAQ

After the committee was formed Chair Ken Oelke, VE6AFO thanked everyone for their commitment to help bring about and host a QCWA National Convention in Calgary. This will be the first time a QCWA National Convention will be hosted in western Canada.

Some highlights of the meeting are;

1. Convention date has been set for September 28 - 30, 2006. (Mark your calendar NOW!)

2. The convention hotel will be the Port O' Call Inn, a Best Western hotel, located on the corner of McKnight Blvd (48 Avenue) and 19th Street N.E. It is close to the airport and across the street from the Calgary Aero Space Museum which is home to astronaut Dr. Robert Thirsk Communications Center. This Communications Center is home to amateur radio station VE6BGC. The Convention-2006 Committee have already negotiated an excellent guaranteed guest room rate of $100.00 (all taxes included!)

3. We are planning a Friday evening 'Meet & Greet' Beef on a Bun Buffet and a Saturday evening Buffet with 3 hot entrees with all the trimmings at a very reasonable price both evenings.

4. We are planning to have a hospitality suite open to all registered guests. Refreshments and snacks will be on hand - along with coffee/tea.

5. The committee adopted a QCWA Convention - 2006 logo (see below) that will be available in a lapel pin. Only 200 pins have be ordered and should be available in early January, 2005. These are expected to move fast and pricing is $5.00 for each lapel pin. If you wish to receive yours now, send $5.00 for each pin plus $2.00 mailing charges to mail in Canada and $2.50 mailing charges to mail in the USA. The mailing charges are for mailing up to 10 pins in one envelope. If you wish to reserve your pin and pickup at convention time, just mail $5.00 and the committee will have your pin(s) available at the registration desk. Make Cheque or Money Order payable to "QCWA National Convention - 2006" and mail to Jack Ambler, VE6CAQ at 9994 Hidden Valley Drive NE, Calgary, AB T3A 5G3.

And finally - as a point of interest the QCWA National Web site is already promoting our convention. Visit the 2006 Convention page on the QCWA web site at http://www.qcwa.org/2006convention.htm


In the last issue I neglected to acknowledge our very own Chapter 151 member Bob Roske, NØUF, as being elected to the position of Vice President on the QCWA National Executive. Congratulations Bob!

And for those who wish to see QCWA's new headquarters, check out the pictures of HQ in Framingham, MA. at URL http://www.qcwa.org/headquarters-tour.htm


Treasurer John Smith, VE6AI brings us his report of new and renewing members and friends since the last newsletter.

We welcome and introduce 7 new members, 4 renewing members and 1 new friend since our last newsletter.

Tom Atkins, VE3CDM is a QCWA Life Member and is President of Fred Hammond Chapter 73. Tom was born and educated in the United Kingdom and first licensed in 1950 as G4ABN and then in 1968 became VE3CDM. He is married to Jo and they reside in Toronto, ON.

During his amateur radio career he held executive positions in RSO, CRRL, ARRL, CARF and in 1983 was elected a member of the IARU-R2 Executive committee later retiring as President in October 2001. Tom was 1983 Ontario Amateur of the Year, 1991 CRRL Canadian Amateur of the Year and in 2003 Admitted as a Member of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.

John Noakes, VE7NI joined as a Life Member. John was first licensed in 1979 as VE7CRW. He is married to Crystal and they reside in Kamloops, BC. John is active in contesting, DXing, CW Nets, ARES and is an RAC Official Observer. He likes QRP and kit building and sponsors a local UHF repeater. John works in the telecommunication industry.

Mitchell (Mitch) Goodjohn, VE6SM was born in Toronto, ON and first licensed as VE3ELG in 1971. He is married to Ruth and they reside in Calgary, AB. Mitch is interested in HF, traffic handling, SWLing and microwave experimenting - especially with 10 GHz. He is self-employed in Applied Anthropological Research and is involved with the Junior Forest Wardens.

Earl Morris, VE6NI was born in Medicine Hat, AB and first licensed in 1958. He is married to Judy and they reside in Calgary, AB. Earl is interested in radio construction and operating, especially using the digital modes. He is currently employed with the City of Calgary as a Computer Support Analyst.

Tony Howard, VE6QY was born in Montreal, QC and first licensed in 1959 with call sign VE2BGU. Tony is married to Noreen and they reside in Calgary, AB. Tony is interested in HF Dxing, VHF and the internet. He is a retired engineer and is currently consulting on a part-time basis.

Ernie Crump, VE3OU is a QCWA Life Member and first licensed in 1956 as VE3EGG. He is married to Marilyn and they reside in Cambridge, ON. Ernie is interested in CW, Dxing and contesting. Ernie is retired and is the current Membership Director for Fred Hammond Chapter 73.

Jack (John) Blair, VE6ARQ was born in Regina, SK and first licensed in 1965. He is married to Leslie and they reside in Calgary, AB. Jack is a retired engineer and project manager and his interests are HF (voice and CW) and VHF (voice and packet).

Our 4 renewing Chapter 151 members are Tim Ellam, VE6SH, Bruce Collisson, VE6BAC, John Erickson, VE6NB and Chapter 151 friend Niels Kristjansson, VA6NJ.

NB: Attention needs to be drawn to John Erickson, VE6NB regarding his renewal. John's QCWA National membership also needed renewing and so he did by becoming a Life Member of QCWA National. All this at the age of 94! This certainly raises the bar and possibly brings about a new definition of what defines optimism? Chapter 151 hopes his enthusiasim and optimism will be contagious and spur others into supporting a worthwhile organization.

And finally, our newest friend of Chapter 151 is Brian Jackson, VE6JBJ. Brian was licensed in 2004 as a result of the RAC Youth Education Program. Brian teaches grade 6 science and physical education at the Chestermere Lake Middle, home of the RAC Youth Education Program sponsored by RAC and QCWA Wild Rose Chapter 151. Brian enjoys bringing amateur radio into his classroom using IRLP and VHF/UHF voice. His class has talked to grade 6 students in Almonte, ON, Tasmania, Central Middle School in Victoria, BC and the Palmer Research Station at the Antarctic. Their next goal is to talk to Iceland to learn more about the active volcano there and then later, to the upcoming March 2005 Expedition on Mount Everest.

So with this we extend a special welcome to our new members Tom Atkins, VE3CDM, John Noakes, VE7NI, Mitch Goodjohn, VE6SM, Earl Morris, VE6NI, Tony Howard, VE6QY, Ernie Crump, VE3OU and Jack Blair, VE6ARQ to Chapter 151. We also welcome our newest friend of Chapter 151, Brian Jackson, VE6JBJ, and our renewing members Tim Ellam, VE6SH, Bruce Collisson, VE6BAC and renewing friend Niels Kristjansson, VA6NJ. We look forward to seeing you all at our future luncheon meetings.

49th ANNUAL QCWA QSO PARTY - April 3, 2005

If you are looking for some fun with a laid back style of operating then the QCWA QSO Party is for you! For more details and log sheet - refer to the QCWA Journal or visit the QCWA National Website at http://www.qcwa.org


QCWA, Fred Hammond Chapter 73 is pleased to announce that they have funded, along with added funds from the Hammond Mfg. Co., and a family of a recent silent key (VE3BB), a total of five scholarships to young students who are following up studies in the communications field in this calendar year.

From Ernie Crump, VE3OU - Membership Chair, Chapter 73. "We are very pleased to have been able to help some deserving young people to continue their studies in their chosen field. Full details will soon be posted on the Chapter website www.qcwa.ca along with applications for the year 2005. Special thanks to Mary Card (VE3FEB) and her committee."


I am still looking for help to retype archived items to be added to the website. While on the subject of help - we are looking for a newsletter editor. The pay is excellent and the benefits are exceptional. No HTML coding is required though could be an asset. A request for more information may be submitted to Ken Oelke, VE6AFO at ve6afo@rac.ca.


Secretary Al McNeil, VA7QQ submitted his last Chapter 151 report for the QCWA National Journal on October 1, 2004 deadline. Watch for it.

If you have something you wish to see published in the QCWA National Journal please feel free to submit your views and or pictures to your Chapter Executive for future submission. Submission deadlines are January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year.


Al McNeil, VA7QQ submitted his resignation due to his prior commitment to move back to Vernon, BC. We wish Al and his good wife Lois the very best with their move back.

Jack Ambler, VE6CAQ let his name stand for the interim appointment of secretary. We thank Jack for coming forward to help Chapter 151 maintain a full executive slate.


There is Morse Code on Ronnie Montrose's album (Elektra 1982 EI-60034) "GAMMA 3". The song "Stranger" contains Morse Code which spells "STRANGER".

And on the album titled "One Nation Underground" that in 1967 the band "PEARLS BEFORE SWINE" recorded a song with an adult-rated CW message in it. The song was titled "MISS MORSE". The song is said to have vulgarities in it spelled out with Morse Code.

Stay tuned for other 'Morse code in music' to be featured in future issues of the QCWA Repeater.

Until next time...on behalf of the QCWA Chapter 151 Executive have a safe and Happy Holiday Season.


Ken Oelke, VE6AFO - President
Jack Ambler, VE6CAQ - Interim Secretary
John Smith, VE6AI -Treasurer